Friday, April 5, 2013

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, God's Love in Action

Today at lunch I sat with an international volunteer from Madagascar and he shared how throughout Africa, the shoeboxes are such a powerful means of evangelism.

Where there is poverty or political strife, different groups come in... they may be Muslim or Christian or secular and the words that bombard them have little meaning. It is not that people are closed to the gospel but so many words come to them, but they are hurting and hungry and in need. Words have only so much effect.

But the simple shoebox is a demonstration of love acted out. It is not really about the STUFF but it opens doors when they realize that BECAUSE of God's love for us, we share these gifts with them, even though we do not know them... and that act softens hearts in preparation for the planting of God's Word.

Children hear the Word and they experience God's love. Children and parents and communities can come to the Lord as hearts are made ready and ears are opened and lives are made new, because YOU packed a shoebox.

God loves those precious children.... and when YOU share your love with a child you never meet, they taste that love. The effect of your shoebox will not be known by you until Heaven... but what a joyful reunion that will be... when you will see what God has done... "immeasurably more" than we can imagine.

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