A blog full of ideas, inspiration, savings, and stories for Operation Christmas Child all year round.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Calvary Chapel Women's Retreat CRAFTING for the SHOEBOXES
Oh I was SO blessed a week ago when the women of Calvary Chapel, Klamath Falls, helped make items for the shoeboxes at their retreat! On the second day of the retreat, some women went on a hike, and others stayed to fellowship and craft. There were many crafts available.. including 2 for the shoeboxes.
Praise be to God, 22 bracelets with a cross charm, and 20 hair clips were made for girls. As they were made, the women enjoyed fellowship and prayed for the children who would receive them. We hope that they will feel the love in which they were made.. and feel like the beautiful daughters of God they are, whenever they wear them!!
Crafting with others.. FOR others.. is a true joy! If you have a women's group, a retreat, a bible study, or time of fellowship.... making crafts for children to receive in a shoebox is a truly wonderful way to spend some time!
Operation Christmas Child ~ Church to Church
I love this video! What an amazing ministry Operation Christmas Child is! From our churches to other churches... impacting the world for Christ! One shoebox at a time!!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friendship Bracelets
I love the idea of involving our kids in making gifts for the shoeboxes!
One idea I have shared before is that tweens and teens can easily make friendship bracelets. Perhaps the child can make 2 matching ones.. one for the child, and one for themselves and when they wear their bracelet they can remember to pray for the shoebox recipient!
It would be fun to take a picture of your child wearing one of them, and holding the other, so that the child will see that they have matching bracelets.
There are so many different styles of friendship bracelets out there... kits to buy... and many styles. If you have never made them there are GREAT instructions with pictures for one type of friendship bracelet at http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Friendship-Bracelet#
21,106 Shoeboxes
WOW WOW WOW!!! If you follow Life Inside the Box, the OCC blog linked in my sidebar, then you have been seeing the progress of Kathy and her wonderful team in Pennsylvania as they work, with God's help, to do a HUGE PACKING PARTY every year. I just read this update on FB.
"Praise God and to God be the glory--21,106 Operation Christmas Child boxes packed today at our Operation Christmas Child Community-Wide Packing Party!!"
Oh how I rejoice.. they have exceeded their goal... and 21,106 children will receive a gift packed with love and prayer and shared with the Gospel message from this packing party. Truly.. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!
Greatest Journey Mongolia
From here on the west coast of the US, our shoeboxes cross the Pacific.... they go to Pacific Isles like the Philippines... and they go to areas of Asia... and many go to Mongolia....
And so I wanted to share this beautiful video that tells a bit about how God is working MIGHTILY through Operation Christmas Child and the Greatest Journey in Mongolia. Watch, be moved, be amazed, and be blessed.
And so I wanted to share this beautiful video that tells a bit about how God is working MIGHTILY through Operation Christmas Child and the Greatest Journey in Mongolia. Watch, be moved, be amazed, and be blessed.
Friday, September 28, 2012
If you are in southern Oregon... the OCC Kick off events are underway!!! I will be at the one in Central Point... but there are several in the area.
If you can make one, you will be inspired and motivated!
Community Bible Church
500 N. 10th Street
Central Point, OR
Friday, Sept 28th at 7:00 pm
Roseburg Christian Fellowship
(Fellowship Hall)
1376 NE Walnut Street
Roseburg, OR
Saturday, Sept 29th at 10:00 am
Skyline Baptist Church
3451 Liberty Street
North Bend, OR
Sunday, Sept 30th at 3:30 pm
More Shoeboxes = more Gospel opportunities!!
Area Kick Off Events!!!
Community Bible Church
500 N. 10th Street
Central Point, OR
Friday, Sept 28th at 7:00 pm
Roseburg Christian Fellowship
(Fellowship Hall)
1376 NE Walnut Street
Roseburg, OR
Saturday, Sept 29th at 10:00 am
Skyline Baptist Church
3451 Liberty Street
North Bend, OR
Sunday, Sept 30th at 3:30 pm
More Shoeboxes = more Gospel opportunities!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Scouts and Operation Christmas Child
This is our friend Israel. He's leading the way in our new partnership with Boy Scouts of America
by setting a goal to pack 200 shoe boxes with his Cub Scouts troop! His
mom said: "Lofty goal, I felt, but he said 'Mom.....we can do it!'"
You can order OCC patches for your scout by visiting our website: http://spsocial.org/jq8
You can order OCC patches for your scout by visiting our website: http://spsocial.org/jq8
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Come to me all who are weary
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
Isn't this soooo precious??? The above picture is from Operation Christmas Child, Canada, facebook page. Just makes my heart melt. May each child feel the love of Christ and the comfort of the Father within their shoebox gift.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Go boxes are pre-printed boxes, that come in flat, are super simple to assemble, and mean no finding or wrapping shoeboxes! They are SO convenient!! And cute!
Through a generous donation, Klamath Area OCC has received a shipment of GO BOXES. If you would like some for yourself or your church or organization to pack for OCC, please contact me at lambofhisflock @ gmail . com and I will be glad to give you some as long as supplies last.
If you are NOT in the Klamath area you can order Go boxes as well. They are available for ordering in lots of 100 at the website at http://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/OCC/GO_Box_LandingPage/ If you order your own, there is a cost for production and shipping.
I am SO excited to see how God fills each one of these boxes! With YOUR help. One shoebox at a time we are changing lives and communities.. showing these precious children a tangible expression of Christ's love.. and yours!
(Note: the above picture is from Operation Christmas Child, Canada)
Through a generous donation, Klamath Area OCC has received a shipment of GO BOXES. If you would like some for yourself or your church or organization to pack for OCC, please contact me at lambofhisflock @ gmail . com and I will be glad to give you some as long as supplies last.
If you are NOT in the Klamath area you can order Go boxes as well. They are available for ordering in lots of 100 at the website at http://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/OCC/GO_Box_LandingPage/ If you order your own, there is a cost for production and shipping.
I am SO excited to see how God fills each one of these boxes! With YOUR help. One shoebox at a time we are changing lives and communities.. showing these precious children a tangible expression of Christ's love.. and yours!
(Note: the above picture is from Operation Christmas Child, Canada)
Sunday, September 23, 2012
NOTHING is impossible with God!!
The story below is from Operation Christmas Child's official facebook page:
A missionary in one Romanian town received permission from local authorities to show the “Jesus” film in the town hall. Five minutes into the film the mayor and a local priest walked to the front and stopped the presentation. “This is not allowed. You no longer have permission to use this room,” they said.
The next year the same missionary approached the authorities again, this time for permission to hold a Christmas celebration for the children and pass out OCC shoe box gifts. They consented, and at the distribution the missionary explained the meaning of Christmas and shared the Gospel with all those in attendance.
When it was over, the new mayor approached the missionary and said, “In January, we expect you with the “Jesus” movie.”
Remember, nothing is impossible with God
A missionary in one Romanian town received permission from local authorities to show the “Jesus” film in the town hall. Five minutes into the film the mayor and a local priest walked to the front and stopped the presentation. “This is not allowed. You no longer have permission to use this room,” they said.
The next year the same missionary approached the authorities again, this time for permission to hold a Christmas celebration for the children and pass out OCC shoe box gifts. They consented, and at the distribution the missionary explained the meaning of Christmas and shared the Gospel with all those in attendance.
When it was over, the new mayor approached the missionary and said, “In January, we expect you with the “Jesus” movie.”
Remember, nothing is impossible with God
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Free Toothpaste or Toothbrush at Rite Aid 9/23-9/29
YAY! I love FREE!!!!
Crest Pro Health Toothpaste, Oral B Manual Toothbrush - $2.99
Get $2.99 +up (limit 2)
There were 50 cent off coupons from a month ago, if you have them it is a 50 cent money maker... otherwise.. FREE!!!
Not free but a good deal and good for the shoeboxes
Blow Pops, Dum Dums or Tootsie Pops - $1.99
Get $1 +up (limit 4)
Final Price: $0.99
Crest Pro Health Toothpaste, Oral B Manual Toothbrush - $2.99
Get $2.99 +up (limit 2)
There were 50 cent off coupons from a month ago, if you have them it is a 50 cent money maker... otherwise.. FREE!!!
Not free but a good deal and good for the shoeboxes
Blow Pops, Dum Dums or Tootsie Pops - $1.99
Get $1 +up (limit 4)
Final Price: $0.99
Tracking Your Shoebox
I love this addition to Operation Christmas Child. Last year was the first year I tracked my boxes... and mine went to the Philippines!!! I always encourage people here on the blog and everyone I meet to send a photo and letter with their address.... most children will not be able to send a letter back, but SOME do. Plus the letter and photo are treasured by the child who receives the box.
But THIS.. following the box.. this means whether or not your child writes back you know where your shoebox went. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!
To track your shoebox, simply go to https://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/OCC/followyourbox/ and make the $7 donation for the shoebox there, print out the special label, attach it to the shoebox, and wait. YAY!!
Simple. Quick. Easy. And so very delightful!!!!!!!!
But THIS.. following the box.. this means whether or not your child writes back you know where your shoebox went. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!
To track your shoebox, simply go to https://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/OCC/followyourbox/ and make the $7 donation for the shoebox there, print out the special label, attach it to the shoebox, and wait. YAY!!
Simple. Quick. Easy. And so very delightful!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 21, 2012
The Beauty of a Giving Heart

By Chelsea Pardue, staff writer from http://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/Samaritans_Purse_Today/post/a_giving_heart/
Our van pulled up beside a thicket in the small Lebanese community. In a small clearing, I could see a house of sorts—mostly sticks put together to form an area for living. Outside, there were eight young girls, plus their older sisters. The brightly colored shoe box gifts we carried in our arms hardly seemed big enough.
I got out of the van and approached the young girls. I attempted to ask some basic English questions, and a few of them understood. One of the older girls said that her seven sisters and her parents lived here. She was 18 and had recently moved into her husband’s house. We would be distributing gifts to the six youngest girls, ages 16 to 5, and their friends.
Although we typically don’t give gifts to children who are 16, this girl was a special case. She has been cancer-free for two years. The three years she spent receiving treatments put an enormous financial and emotional strain on the family.
The girls’ parents are farmers, and were busy working when we arrived at the house. We couldn’t make the children wait, so we let them open their gifts. I could understand their smiles and excitement through any language barrier.

I motioned to one girl to show me what she received. She pulled out several items, and then handed me one. It was a pink nail file. I was confused, so I pulled our interpreter over. “Does she know what this is?” I asked. She nodded, and made the motion for filing nails.
Then she spoke in Arabic, and our interpreter said, “She wants you to have it.”
“I can’t take this,” I said, and started to hand it back. I looked at the small house she shared with so many people and knew she didn’t have many belongings. I already carry a nail file in my purse; I keep another two or three with my fingernail polish. I didn’t need this one. Even if I were to lose mine, I could easily go to a store and buy more.
The girl looked at me with a smile but didn’t offer to take the file from my hand. The interpreter said, “She really does want you to have it. You should keep it.”
I grinned and said, “Shukraan.” Thank you was one of the few words I had learned in Arabic.
By that time, the girls’ parents had arrived. Their father said he needed to put out a net to catch any sort of animals that would try to crawl into their house during the night. Their mother said that the person who owns their land wants to build on it, so they soon would have to move. She didn’t know where they would go.
And yet, in these circumstances, their daughter gave me a gift. It reminded me of the story in the Bible where the widow gives all she has to the church, and although it’s not much, God appreciates it so much more than those who gave a small portion of their money.
“Calling His disciples to Him, Jesus said, ‘I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on’” (Mark 12:43-44, NIV).
This girl was a good reminder that God appreciates a giving heart. I have carried that nail file with me ever since as a reminder of the life Christians should live. And this Christmas, I will pack it into a box full of other goodies for another child in need.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Klamath JoAnn's EVERYTHING 75% off
The JoAnn's in Klamath Falls is moving locations... and has marked everything 75% off! I bought flip flops for 25 cents.. fabric and thread and craft supplies.. There are even small plush! So many great deals for the picking!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
A HUGE THANK YOU to Open Door Dental in Klamath Falls!!
Easy Notebooks to Make
If you, like me, have extra copy paper around (and watch here for free paper deals at Staples) you can make notebooks for your shoeboxes!
There is a great tutorial at http://www.kristanlynn.com/search/label/tutorial?updated-max=2011-04-15T21:44:00-05:00&max-results=20
This method uses a sewing machine and looks SO nice when finished. You can also make them simply with a stapler, then attach the edge paper over the binding to cover the staples.
Notebooks can be SUCH a blessing for a child who wants to go to school. If you can't include a full size notebook a couple of these would be so helpful!
Another idea is that I often include a coloring page of Jesus and the Children for either the cover or the first page of the notebook. Feel free to personalize these any ways you want.
There is a great tutorial at http://www.kristanlynn.com/search/label/tutorial?updated-max=2011-04-15T21:44:00-05:00&max-results=20
This method uses a sewing machine and looks SO nice when finished. You can also make them simply with a stapler, then attach the edge paper over the binding to cover the staples.
Notebooks can be SUCH a blessing for a child who wants to go to school. If you can't include a full size notebook a couple of these would be so helpful!
Another idea is that I often include a coloring page of Jesus and the Children for either the cover or the first page of the notebook. Feel free to personalize these any ways you want.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Rite Aid deals, week of 9/16/12
There are some great deals at Rite Aid this week...
First of all there is this straightforward deal:
Colgate Toothpaste or Wave Manual Toothbrush, 1 ct $0.99
With In-Ad Coupon
Use $0.75/1 – Colgate Max Fresh – (colgate.com)
Or $0.75/1 – Colgate Total Advanced Toothpaste – (colgate.com)
Final Price: $0.24
Additionally they have MANY of their toothbrush and toothpastes at 20% off! You might be able to combine them with coupons.. AND they have this deal:
Colgate Any Optic White Oral Care Product (excluding Twin Packs and Wisp)
Get A $5 +UP Reward When You Buy $10 of These Items
So, that is $5 back when you buy $10 worth of these items.
And if you have it.. there is coupon:
Or $1.00/1 Colgate Optic White, Total Advanced or Sensitive Pro-Relief, 4 oz or larger, limit 4 like coupons per shopping trip from Super Saver coupon insert 9/9 (exp 9/29)
First of all there is this straightforward deal:
Colgate Toothpaste or Wave Manual Toothbrush, 1 ct $0.99
With In-Ad Coupon
Use $0.75/1 – Colgate Max Fresh – (colgate.com)
Or $0.75/1 – Colgate Total Advanced Toothpaste – (colgate.com)
Final Price: $0.24
Additionally they have MANY of their toothbrush and toothpastes at 20% off! You might be able to combine them with coupons.. AND they have this deal:
Colgate Any Optic White Oral Care Product (excluding Twin Packs and Wisp)
Get A $5 +UP Reward When You Buy $10 of These Items
So, that is $5 back when you buy $10 worth of these items.
And if you have it.. there is coupon:
Or $1.00/1 Colgate Optic White, Total Advanced or Sensitive Pro-Relief, 4 oz or larger, limit 4 like coupons per shopping trip from Super Saver coupon insert 9/9 (exp 9/29)
Clearance Shopping
Walmart has clearance going big time right now! School supplies and toys are being cleared out to make way for the Holiday Season merchandise. Be sure to check out your local stores. Rite Aid also has summer clearance going on! Keep your eyes out for great deals on toys and school supplies!
New Collection Center for Southern Oregon OCC!!
Here in Southern Oregon, we are praising God that we will have a new Collection Center in Center Point Oregon (not far from Medford) at the Community Bible Church!
Our local drop off point will still be Klamath Falls Calvary Chapel... but from there we have a much shorter trip for the next stage of their journey.
Friendship Bracelets
This is a quick and easy project... and one that would be great for a group to do. I think this one would be perfect for a group of teen girls! And the message it sends is love!
Full instructions can be found at:
Full instructions can be found at:
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Our God CARES and He works through the shoeboxes!
This story was shared by OCC on their facebook page... and it is yet one more of the small miracles God works through the shoeboxes. Pray as you pack.. and pack as you are lead... for God is doing miracles big and small through these shoeboxes!
In Colombia, Carlos and his mother heard of an event for children and walked for two days to get there. Because the boy was limping upon their arrival, the pastor was concerned that he had injured himself. The mother shared that he had a childhood defect in his feet that didn’t allow him to walk normally. She said they had no money for the special shoes needed to help him.
The event began, and when the Gospel was shared, both mother and son gave their lives to Christ. Afterwards, the children were each given a shoe box gift and a countdown took place … ‘3-2-1’! When the little boy opened his box, there was a pair of orthopedic shoes in his size sitting on top! He left the event with new hope spiritually and physically.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Area Kick Off Events!!!
Here in Southern Oregon, there will be several Kick Off events coming up! If you can make one, you will be inspired and motivated!
Community Bible Church
500 N. 10th Street
Central Point, OR
Friday, Sept 28th at 7:00 pm
Roseburg Christian Fellowship
(Fellowship Hall)
1376 NE Walnut Street
Roseburg, OR
Saturday, Sept 29th at 10:00 am
Skyline Baptist Church
3451 Liberty Street
North Bend, OR
Sunday, Sept 30th at 3:30 pm
More Shoeboxes = more Gospel opportunities!!
And what can you expect???
Attendees can pick-up official OCC Shoeboxes for your church
Hear about:
Results from last year [Southern Oregon, US, International]
How to pack your shoebox
Get practical tips to help your church’s’ Shoebox ministry
Learn about how to track your shoebox
Learn about Operation Christmas Child’s “The Greatest Journey” discipleship
for shoebox recipients.
Learn about our New Collection Center in Central Point
Pick up samples of OCC materials including DVDs.
Community Bible Church
500 N. 10th Street
Central Point, OR
Friday, Sept 28th at 7:00 pm
Roseburg Christian Fellowship
(Fellowship Hall)
1376 NE Walnut Street
Roseburg, OR
Saturday, Sept 29th at 10:00 am
Skyline Baptist Church
3451 Liberty Street
North Bend, OR
Sunday, Sept 30th at 3:30 pm
More Shoeboxes = more Gospel opportunities!!
And what can you expect???
Attendees can pick-up official OCC Shoeboxes for your church
Hear about:
Results from last year [Southern Oregon, US, International]
How to pack your shoebox
Get practical tips to help your church’s’ Shoebox ministry
Learn about how to track your shoebox
Learn about Operation Christmas Child’s “The Greatest Journey” discipleship
for shoebox recipients.
Learn about our New Collection Center in Central Point
Pick up samples of OCC materials including DVDs.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The blessings of Giving
Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.
I love love love Operation Christmas Child... and it is SUCH a blessing to be able to give to these precious children... items that are for their practical needs, to bring them joy, and most of all to show the love of Christ and share the Gospel!
Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.
I love love love Operation Christmas Child... and it is SUCH a blessing to be able to give to these precious children... items that are for their practical needs, to bring them joy, and most of all to show the love of Christ and share the Gospel!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Operation Christmas Child in South Africa
One of the best part about writing this blog is that I spend time watching videos of the distributions and reading stories from Operation Christmas Child to find ones to share with you all. I never tire of seeing what God is doing through the shoeboxes!
I found this one and just couldn't wait to share it. I hope it blesses you as it did me.
I found this one and just couldn't wait to share it. I hope it blesses you as it did me.
Friday, September 7, 2012
29 cent Toothbrushes at Safeway
Last week with the Catalina deal they were better than free, but this week you can still get a great deal on Reach toothbrushes at Safeway if you need them for your shoeboxes. At the Klamath downtown Safeway (and possibly the 6th Street one as well) Reach toothbrushes are 79 cents each if you buy 2 through Sept 11. You can print off a coupon for Reach toothbrushes at http://www.reachbrand.com/special-offer which is for $1 off of 2 toothbrushes. (Or you can use coupons from previous newspapers.) This makes the final price just 29 cents per toothbrush.. which regularly sell for over $2 each! A great deal for quality toothbrushes!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Perusing Clearance Aisles
I love to blog about savings for Operation Christmas Child! Some of the sales I post are nationwide or area wide. Some are coupon deals. Seasonal Clearance. But so many savings can be had just by doing one simple thing: Check for clearance! Some stores have clearance aisles. Some have clearance throughout their store. But almost every store HAS clearance.
Today, while at Walmart I checked the clearance aisle, and bought some more 50 cent jumpropes... but the real find was a bunch of Hello Kitty puzzles at 10 cents each!! I scooped up what they had. Those kinds of deals happen more often than you might think and they make that few minute detour past the clearance aisles totally worth it!
Throughout the year I have found so many items at rock bottom prices just through that quick check of clearance sections. I have found 50 cent toothpastes. 10 cent washcloths. Magnifying glasses for 20 cents. And SO much more! You never KNOW what you will find.
Today, while at Walmart I checked the clearance aisle, and bought some more 50 cent jumpropes... but the real find was a bunch of Hello Kitty puzzles at 10 cents each!! I scooped up what they had. Those kinds of deals happen more often than you might think and they make that few minute detour past the clearance aisles totally worth it!
Throughout the year I have found so many items at rock bottom prices just through that quick check of clearance sections. I have found 50 cent toothpastes. 10 cent washcloths. Magnifying glasses for 20 cents. And SO much more! You never KNOW what you will find.
Toy Caddies for Girls and Boys
I have seen many versions of the car caddies online, as well as bigger car mats, but never anything for girls, so when I found both tutorials.. one for boys and one for girls, I just HAD to SHARE. The possibilities are endless with these.... so take the idea and run with it!
The full instructions for this car cozy are at http://homemadebyjill.blogspot.com/2009/12/cozy-car-caddy-tutorial.html
As I said I have seen various versions of this idea... as well as more full play mats. But check out this AWESOME one for girls:
Wouldn't this be SO adorable for a girl box???
Worth noting.. for all of us non-sewers there are other non-caddy options such as this painted play mat with instructions from JoAnns:
You could make one for the ponies as well. Or safari animals. Or a racetrack. The possibilities are endless. http://www.joann.com/our-town-play-mat/prod520026/
The full instructions for this car cozy are at http://homemadebyjill.blogspot.com/2009/12/cozy-car-caddy-tutorial.html
As I said I have seen various versions of this idea... as well as more full play mats. But check out this AWESOME one for girls:
Wouldn't this be SO adorable for a girl box???
Worth noting.. for all of us non-sewers there are other non-caddy options such as this painted play mat with instructions from JoAnns:
You could make one for the ponies as well. Or safari animals. Or a racetrack. The possibilities are endless. http://www.joann.com/our-town-play-mat/prod520026/
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Returning the Blessing
Returning the Blessing
Students at a college in Missouri who received shoe boxes as children work to pack boxes for others
The students at College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, Missouri,
know what it means to have someone give you the kind of gift that
changes your life.All the students work jobs along with taking full course loads to graduate debt-free—an opportunity no one takes for granted.
Giving back to the community only seems natural, and one of the highlights of the year is participating in Operation Christmas Child. Last year, a trailer was parked outside the campus chapel during National Collection Week in November, and students worked diligently to fill it with shoe box gifts for children all over the world.
“It’s a good opportunity for all of us to involve ourselves in helping others,” sociology major Daniel Tirle said.
Tirle experienced firsthand the good Operation Christmas Child can do when he was a boy growing up in Romania. While in second grade, amid hard times for his family, he received a shoe box.
“Operation Christmas Child is very important because it not only brings joy in the lives of many people, but it also brings the Gospel to many families and to the lives of many children,” he said.
Tirle is not the only College of the Ozarks student who received a shoe box as a child. Keren Banegas from Honduras and Lyrona Rexhepi from Kosovo also experienced God’s love through Operation Christmas Child.
“I remember the feeling when I got it,” Banegas said. “It was so unique.”
To Banegas, the best part of Operation Christmas Child is providing the opportunity for children to come to know Jesus as their Savior.
For Rexhepi, it was her shoe box that led her to Christ. “The Greatest Gift of All,” the colorful booklet offered with the gifts, helped introduce her to the love and grace of Jesus. Now a young adult and international business major, her life has changed drastically since the war-torn days in Kosovo when she first opened her box.
“It really means a lot to kids because a small shoe box can make big differences in their lives and change their lives forever,” she said.
You don’t need to attend College of the Ozarks to pack or collect boxes. Click here to learn more about the mission of Operation Christmas Child, to order materials, and for more information on how you can get involved in changing the lives of children all over the world.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Summer Clearance
I have not checked the local stores but reports are that Big Lots has all their summer toys at 75% off! And Rite Aid has their summer toys at 50% off!
Our Walmart still has some jumpropes in the clearance aisle at 50 cents each as well.
Our Walmart still has some jumpropes in the clearance aisle at 50 cents each as well.
New Yahoo Group
Ever since I have had this blog I have referred people to a fabulous website, clipwithpurpose.com but now the author of the blog is retiring. We will certainly miss her posts, her inspiration, and the sales she posted.
But!!! She is also starting a yahoo group!! Where she will continue to post deals she finds but where others can post their finds or ideas as well! I encourage you all to check it out.
You can find it at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OCCLOVER/
So if YOU find a deal or a craft idea or an inspiring OCC story, I encourage you to SHARE it with others at the yahoo group! And please keep coming here as I will be sharing what I find here as usual. God bless and Happy OCCing!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Operation Christmas Child ~ An International Effort
Operation Christmas Child reaches children all over the world.... and the boxes are packed around the world as well.
Boxes are packed in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, and Switzerland. SO many people doing something simple, packing a shoebox for a child in need... packed in love, and sent forth with prayer.
I saw this video from a distribution in Thailand, by a team from Australia, and desired to share it with you all.
This year the 100 millionth box will be packed and sent forth. Operation Christmas Child touches lives one child at a time..... 100 million of them!!
Boxes are packed in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, and Switzerland. SO many people doing something simple, packing a shoebox for a child in need... packed in love, and sent forth with prayer.
I saw this video from a distribution in Thailand, by a team from Australia, and desired to share it with you all.
This year the 100 millionth box will be packed and sent forth. Operation Christmas Child touches lives one child at a time..... 100 million of them!!
Nearing the End of School Supplies Season
If you have not bought the school supplies you want for your shoeboxes, NOW is the time!!
BiMart has Crayola for 25cents
Walmart has notebooks for 17cents
The deals are still everywhere but the prices won't last long.
We may see some further clearancing but if you miss these sale prices, the full price is WAY higher! Often more than 10 TIMES higher! In just a couple of weeks that 25 cent box of crayons WILL be $2. Don't delay!
Summer Clearance is also winding down. So keep your eyes peeled. Walmart has marked down their flip flops, summer toys, and the selection is dwindling fast.
BiMart has Crayola for 25cents
Walmart has notebooks for 17cents
The deals are still everywhere but the prices won't last long.
We may see some further clearancing but if you miss these sale prices, the full price is WAY higher! Often more than 10 TIMES higher! In just a couple of weeks that 25 cent box of crayons WILL be $2. Don't delay!
Summer Clearance is also winding down. So keep your eyes peeled. Walmart has marked down their flip flops, summer toys, and the selection is dwindling fast.
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