I first got involved with Operation Christmas Child when my kids were little in the simple way most of us do, packing shoeboxes. I wanted my children to learn about giving, about praying and loving others, even those they may never meet in this lifetime, and about the Great Commission. Operation Christmas Child gave my children a simple way to do that and it was SO meaningful to them.
Fast forward a decade.. and as a year round volunteer I am even MORE passionate about OCC. With each story and video my heart for this ministry grows, but even now my FAVORITE way to pack shoeboxes is WITH KIDS!
This past weekend Calvary Chapel Klamath Falls Oregon had their packing party with the children's ministry. They collect items all year round, based on sales, and now they get to pack the boxes. The kids LOVE IT. They are blessed by giving. And I am blessed watching them and listening to them as they carefully pick items to bless a child.
Wednesday night another church in town will have their packing party.... they gather in a blitz in the weeks leading up to the party. And these children will also get to share in the joy of giving and praying and loving others.
Next week, the Good News Club I teach will also pack shoeboxes.... again I will share the stories of the work God is doing through these boxes... we will pray... and pack... and be blessed.
Packing parties are happening around my county, across the state, the US, and in many parts of the world.... RIGHT NOW... so that other children will be blessed, and receive these gifts of love, with the Gospel message.
Children giving to children... it is a beautiful thing.