Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Composition Notebooks: Double the fun

Found this AMAZING idea at Christ is the Heart of Christmas 

Take your composition notebooks to a home improvement store and have them run them through their big saws... LOOK how amazing these are! And they will fit perfectly in the shoeboxes.

These will decorate up easily if you wanted.. and you will bless kids with these notebooks. School supplies are ALWAYS a blessing to the children who receive the shoeboxes!

Learn more at and while you are there poke around at all her other fabulous ideas!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Cute, Easy, No Sew Pencil Cases

This pencil pouch can cost under 10 cents depending on your source of duct tape and ziplocks. Try the dollar store for the tape. Thanks to Cathy on FB for the heads up for the idea!

This is made with a gallon ziplock and duct tape. Use tape down the bag and cut to desired depth. Some crafters fold the bottom up a bit to avoid it being sticky inside and tape the bottom. SO cute. This would be a great craft for youth groups! Duct tape crafts are trendy and easy and fun.. and putting together their own pencil case for the boxes would be a great idea for any youth packing party.