Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fill Your Shoeboxes with Loads of Love... Crafting Ideas for OCC

I love to include something homemade in my shoeboxes!! And with Valentine's Day around the corner I thought love themed crafts especially appropriate. I pray as I create the items... and I hope that the child receiving can feel the love with which the items are made. That said I am NOT crafty... so simple is important to me. There are SO many options... check the pinterest links in the right sidebar for MORE ideas... but here are a few to get you started!

This idea is one I have been doing a lot lately... take old broken crayons and make them into chunky multi-colored crayons for 2-4 year olds. Don't have broken crayons? Ask a local Sunday School, Kindergarten, or preschool for their cast offs and make a blessing for a child! (Because they can almost look like candy, you might want to include a colored piece of paper to let them know what it is for... and don't forget to put these into ziploc bags. :)

How about friendship necklaces??? These are made with homemade shrink plastic. Super fun to make... and special too. Give both halves... or keep half and send a picture of you wearing it... and send the other half in the shoebox. Then pray for the child whenever you wear it. 

Instructions at

How about traditional friendship bracelets?? There are TONS of methods and types... I adore these heart ones!! And it has step by step photo instructions too.

Packing a shoebox with kids? How about this idea, tracing their hands for the pattern? 
Heart shaped beaded wands or pencil topper?? Cute!
Nothing says love like glittery hearts.. right??? Ooooooo so sparkly.

The internet is FULL of ideas... and perhaps you have your own ideas. How fun to include something to show a child how much YOU love them... and how much they are loved by God. 


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